Friday, December 01, 2006


After much thinking long and hard, I finally mustered up enough decisiveness to put my intent to resign on email to my superiors. I wasn't expecting much resistance from my immediate superior, but I was definitely not expecting her to say, Why did you write your resignation letter like that? The only answer that I could think of was, You mean it's not like that? How should I write it then?

She appeared to have got her priorities a little, teenie, weenie bit mixed up. The issue here is not quite why I wrote the letter in the way I did (which I thought was perfectly fine), as it is, why did I resign? And, obviously, she was not interested to ask me to stay. After the surprised query from her, she turned back to her reading of the morning newspapers. That was that, I did not hear a single squeak from her there after. Or, so I thought.

But I was wrong. I was to hear alot more from her. Not words, but actions (which speak louder than words?!). She had forwarded my email to another team's manager. How did I know? That manager had left the email exposed in his computer for all to see while he rushed off to a meeting. Later, I was to find out that they have both headed off to a meeting room to discuss my resignation?! How this other manager figure in this whole scheme of MY things? I'm still trying very, very hard to figure out. The very private & confidential letter was intended for my immediate superiors only, no more no less. How much unprofessionalism can one take in a day at the office!

And just when you thought things could not get any worse, the other team manager, after finding out that some colleagues may have chanced upon that email, approached his subordinate directly behind him and asked if she knew of my resignation. Wow, that's a really smart move! So even if she doesn't already know, she definitely knows now!

Now, slowly but surely, the whole world knows I'm leaving, even as my head of department is asking me to reconsider my options. There's no turning back now - it's no loss to me. Period.

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