Monday, November 13, 2006

Fate II

I thought maybe the particular restaurant is jinxed. Now, perhaps, I am the jinxed one.

It happened again. We were just not meant to meet. Or, I am not meant to meet.

On the appointed Sunday, I was in the locality half an hour early. It took me a short while before I located the restaurant. I entered it and checked my reservation. The manager, a sour faced looking ang moh, informed me that there was no reservation made and, in any case, the place is not opened for drinks in the afternoon.

I am flabbergasted. There must be some mistake...big mistake! But there was nothing I can do here. I left the place and, instead, drove to the 'jinxed' restaurant. Maybe there was really a mistake and the appointment was actually meant to be there. I was wrong. It was also not suppose to be there.

Well, Monday...that will be the day of enlightenment.

Well, Monday came. Apparently, the restaurant did not record the reservation.

As I said, maybe it's just me.

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