Sunday, November 26, 2006

Year End

Is it too early to take stock of the year? Well, it's the tail end of Nov and, for all you know, before you can shout out 'Merry Christmas!', the New Year would be here!

Alright, here it is....2006 is a good year for me. Certainly a year of many 'first time'!

First time...

1. Car owner

2. On 2 short trips (Malacca & Kota Tinggi) in a row to Malaysia

3. New hobby - beading

4. New experiences in atypical sports - archery and wakeboarding

5. Making some $$$ at the stock market

6. 3G mobile phone owner

7. To Europe (this Dec!)

8. Headhunted (unsolicited!)

So here's a toast *waving an imaginery red wine filled glass* to an even better and more exciting 2007!!!

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